Inter-symbol interference loss modeling platform delivers complete support for demanding PAM-3 and PAM-4 applications.

HILLSBORO, Ore. — May 24, 2024 — Wild River Technology (WRT), the leading supplier of signal integrity measurement and optimization test fixtures for high-speed channels at data rates of up to 25G announced today the availability of a new inter-symbol interference (ISI) loss modeling capability. The ISI-USB4 – Advanced Loss Modeling Platform Test Card Set delivers comprehensive support for demanding 25G PAM-4 designs.

The product is composed of 24 strip line differential pairs of various lengths, resulting in a 1dB resolution for 26G Nyquist frequency. The laminate system is ultra-low weave, with a similar copper roughness profile expected in practical backplanes, where WRT worked extensively with Isola for an optimized laminate system. Group delay variation and block resonance, important loss considerations for data rates exceeding 25 Gb/sec, have been eliminated with special layout techniques, a homogenous laminate system, pristine connector launch design, and the use of controlled weave dielectric material. Typical skew is less than 100 femtoseconds.

“Wild River has a specific focus to elevate signal integrity practices and methodology to address challenges in modeling interconnects and make better measurements. We solve a plethora of signal integrity issues at the most advanced data rates where our goal is to generate the perfect test/characterization vehicle,” said Al Neves, founder, and chief technologist at Wild River Technology. “We now bring all of these benefits to the most demanding PAM3 and PAM-4 applications at 25G.”

Deliverables included with the new platform include:

  • Six fully assembled ISI platforms assembled with 2.92mm connectors, 100% NIST traceable TDR tested, report included
  • S-parameter library, measured, tested for quality, including DC point
  • A ruggedized case
  • COM metrics
  • Web-based product training with a Wild River Technology applications engineer, scheduled at the customer’s convenience

An optional low skew matched cable pair bundle delivering 300 femto-second skew out to 40GHz is also available.

The complete ISI-USB4 Advanced Loss Modeling Platform is available now. Contact for more information.

About Wild River Technology

Wild River Technology is the leading supplier of signal integrity measurement and optimization test fixtures for high-speed channels at data rates up to 224G. Our channel modeling platforms, adapters, cables and measurement workspace products elevate signal integrity practices and methods. We are signal integrity experts – our mission is to support signal integrity practitioners with superior products and models. For more information, please visit

Wild River Technology – The tools of the signal integrity trade