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Serial Link Products

  • This platform set is specifically designed for the demanding signal integrity requirements for 112 Gbaud PAM-4. True (ISI) is created by loss generated with dielectric, skin effect and metal conductor losses only. The ISI-112 inter-symbol interference (ISI) platform set specifically designed for the demanding signal integrity requirements for 112 Gbaud PAM-4. True (ISI) is created by loss generated with dielectric, skin effect and metal conductor losses only. Deliverables include pristine connector launches, and unimpeachable material/loss models.
  • This platform set is specifically designed for the demanding signal integrity requirements for 224 Gbaud PAM-4. True (ISI) is created by loss generated with dielectric, skin effect and metal conductor losses only. The ISI-224 inter-symbol interference (ISI) platform set specifically designed for the demanding signal integrity requirements for 224 Gbaud PAM-4. True ISI is created by loss generated with dielectric, skin effect and metal conductor losses only. Deliverables include pristine connector launches, and unimpeachable material/loss models.
  • An industry-first crosstalk testing platform consisting of a family of loss and insertion-crosstalk ratio (ICR) designed to challenge 6-32 Gbpsec systems and PAM-4, 56 Gbpsec. The ISI-56 represents the newest generation of Wild River Technology platforms with controlled amounts of intersymbol interference (ISI) for creating jitter to 56 Gbpsec. ISI-56 is the first loss modeling platform to meet the stringent requirements of the IEEE P370 specification, which addresses items such as recommended design of signal integrity test fixtures and methods and processes for ensuring the accuracy and consistency of measured data for signals with frequency content to 50 GHz. This test fixture meets the highest IEEE P370 Class A signal integrity requirements. True ISI is created by loss generated with pure dielectric and conductor losses only, with very low return loss. Group delay variation, an important loss consideration for data rates exceeding 32 Gbpsec, has been minimized with special layout techniques, pristine connector launch designs, and the use of controlled-weave laminate systems from Isola. The dynamic range of 65dB matches modern SerDes sensitivity performance.    
  • The ISI-USB4 Loss Modeling Set is a 10-56 Gbpsec advanced SERDES InterSymbol interference loss platform designed for DisplayPort 2.0 Sink and USB4 Rx Channel Calibration. The ISI-USB4 represents the next generation of Wild River Technology platforms with controlled amounts of ISI for creating jitter to 56 Gbpsec NRZ and 112 Gbpsec PAM-3 and PAM-4. True Intersymbol Interference (ISI) is created by loss generated with dielectric and skin effect only. Group delay variation, an important loss consideration for data rates exceeding 25 Gbpsec, has been minimized with special layout techniques, pristine connector launches, and the use of controlled weave dielectric material. The ISI-USB4 Loss Modeling Kit is composed of 24 stripline differential pairs of various lengths. Ground vias surrounding each structure preserve jitter spectral purity by suppressing unwanted resonance.
  • An industry-first crosstalk testing platform consisting of a family of loss and insertion-crosstalk ratio (ICR) designed to challenge 6-32 Gbpsec systems and PAM-4, 56 Gbpsec. This is an industry-first crosstalk testing platform consisting of a family of loss and insertion-crosstalk ratio (ICR) designed to challenge 6-32 Gbpsec systems and PAM-4, 56 Gbpsec. ICR is a basic measure of signal versus crosstalk energy (similar to signal/noise) and provides 50 (very low crosstalk) to 15 (very high crosstalk) for both 10 Gbpsec and 28 Gbpsec systems. Crosstalk energy and victim loss can further be tuned with optional pad kit. Structures can be combined with other platforms or on-board structures using optional low-skew <1 psec matched cable kit.
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